Why iBrand?

With the emergence of social media, the name of the game has changed. Increasing your Brand presence and exposure to universities and social media will influence your impact athletically and on a professional level. iBrand Athletics is here to support.

More and more student athletes are utilizing social media to increase their brand presence. These opportunities should not be reserved for athletes at the largest state universities. EVERYONE can and should benefit from their brand.

For Division I athletes attending large universities, projections show that you can earn $1 dollar for every social media follower you have. So if the university can help you gain 250,000+ followers, why wait until college to start focusing on your brand? Why not gain followers and build your brand in sports AS A PERSON and athlete, before arriving to college? iBrand will help you build your positive brand on social media, increase exposure, followers and social media influence, so that when you arrive to college, you are ready to maximize your brand’s highest potential, rather than those that wait for the process to start upon arriving to college.

iBrand Athletics will assist in building your personal and athletic brand so that when you arrive to college, you have a positive, well known brand and enough followers to capitalize on your social media presence the same way the starting quarterback at a Power 5 conference school does. The power is in branding, exposure and followers. iBrand Athletics will provide you with the necessary support to achieve your athletic and professional goals.

For all athletes, from 5 star players to junior varsity athletes in high school, you now have a platform that will raise your exposure, increase your visibility and marketability. You can’t and don’t have to do this on your own. iBrand is here to market your brand, as a person and student athlete, meanwhile setting you up for success while you focus on improving your craft and being a young adult.

Whether you play pro or become a professional in the business world, when iBrand increases your following throughout your sporting career, your plans for life after sport will propel you to success with the followers and brand you have built while working with iBrand.

We offer packages for every level of interest. Let iBrand help you reach your goals of profitability as well as exposure and success in your sport!